Apart from the Zoom lock that has already been reported and verified as a bug, I am suffering from camera drift with FSR running. I have setup my hot key quick view bindings on my numeric keypad to quickly change VC views. I have noticed with FSR running my pilot seat view drifts up over time. When I switch views then switch back to the pilot seat view the camera moves up a little more each time until my head is basically in the ceiling. When I turn FSR off this camera drift doesn't happen. If I reset my view and try to re-save the hot key binding camera position it won't save. If I leave the view and then return to it with the hot key binding I have used the camera position has drift up again. It feels like FSR is intreferring with the coordinates of the camera position that are saved to the hot key binding.
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Yes have the same issue which i did not notice when running TrackIR but with Tobii eye tracker it is very obvious that as you look around the camera position slowy changes over time. For me it slowly lowers the eye point so that in the end i would be unable to see over the glareshield to land. The only way to fix it is to shut down FSR and restart it but that has got annoying so i often just shut it down for the rmeainder of the flight once i can no longer see where i'm going.
in addition the camera reset toggle has been removed from settings?
i reverted back to version 2.0.2, the camera reset toggle was a life saver for me
Will get fixed.
Same here when you set the VR headsets the view moves ups and down, like breathing. Horrible for VR as makes you dizzy