Chronological events (debug steps)
1) Lauch FSRealistic - waiting to be connected to MSFS 2020
2) Launch MSFS 2020
3) FSRealistic announces "FSRealistic Connected"
4) Select Flight in the Worldmap
5) After clicking "Ready to Fly", the FSRealistic exit in about 2-3 seconds.
6) End the flight and back to MSFS 2020 Main Menu
7) Relaunch FSRealistic, it exits in about 2-3 seconds. The situation stays the same.
8) Exit MSFS 2020
9) Re-launch MSFS 2020 - it does not auto-start FSRealistic
10) Launch FSRealistic, it exists in about 2-3 seconds.
11) Repeat step 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) resulting the same, exiting in 2-3 seconds.
Observations: It seems FSRealistic needs to be launched first before MSFS 2020. Even it has been launched and connected to MSFS 2020, after clicking "Ready to Fly", the FSRealistic exits. Similar to some other users, the FSRealistic does not auto-start with MSFS 2020.
FSRealistic version: v1.0.5
FSRealistic installed in different SSD drive than MSFS 2020.
Operating System is Windows 11
C++ Library downloaded as suggested in the manual
MSFS 2020 and FSRealistic are run as Administrator.
Please help.
Log file attached.
I manage to make it work after uninstall and reinstall directly using v1.05 executable file. I believe that unzip from v1.0.0 and perform "update" with v1.0.5 is causing the problem. And regarding the auto-start problem, it seems that I need to manually select "Run as Administrator" every single time under Windows 11 start menu to make it work. Modifying the FlightSimulator.exe file properties and check "Run as Administrator" and lauch MSFS doesn't seem to work.