Hello, there are two questions, that I dont know if there are bugs, or a little stupidness from me ;)
First, how can I connect my buttkicker for fsrealistic?
My BK is running over a second soundcard, is there a way to connect there ?
Need Help-or Update :)
Second-when I start the Engine there are your startingsound but also the originalsound-thats a little weird.
If you think that this post has to go in another catagorie please put them there.
Thanks you for help.
This worked - if I set my sound to headphones FIRST then ran FS2020 and FSrealistic. Both were in the headphones. It's a litttle annoying that FSrealistic can't be changed. I often switch to speakers/headphones at various times. But at least I got it working. I like it in headphones since I can hear fsrealistic better there.