Hey guys,
I'm on the newest version 2.1.0.
When importing a profile from the profile cloud, the app crashes
without any warning.
When trying to restart FSR it opens for a split second and then crashes again.
The only way to resolve the issue is by going into folder where you installed FSR and by going into the Profiles folder, where you have to delete the profile you just imported. When deleting the json file FSR starts normally again.
Just happened to me on 2.1.1 latest
This is fixed and will be released in the next verison.
I am having this same issue. App will crash when importing any profile.
Has this issue been addressed yet?
This will be check captains. Thanks @Charles de Vergnies 🫶🏻
Hey Dikkeduif!
Interesting does this happen with all profiles or one profile in particular? 😐
I got the same issue