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Forum Posts

Mar 06, 2023
In Suggestions
Hi. First time posting, I searched but found nothing. Has anybody officially requested FSR for games other than msfs? I can see this working exceptionally well with Elite Dangerous. I think it's a no-brainer. In ED, we have various ship creaks and rattles, very nice. There are very few however, and regardless of what ship you are in, they all sound the same. Additionally, they are vaguely attached to ship movement, you never know what or when you are going to get. I know next to nothing about how FSR works, but I feel like a library of different ships heaving and groaning, creaking, rattling, shattering would not be hard to compile. I will do it if you like... Some ships are indeed passenger ships, so some (very) muted conversation would also be present. In ED, you are either in your pilot seat or you are on the ground, out of the ship. There is no wandering around. I think this post fits here, but if not, or if this has already been covered somewhere, please direct me. Thanks.
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